Learn Karate Online




Simply get started online, anywhere, anytime. As much or as little as you like. We have active workouts that make great sense to new martial artists just like you. You can do this.

We’re on a mission to coach children and adults martial arts with meaning, even if they can’t make it to our Martial Arts Centres. Training online our training programs make you great; helping you improving strength, flexibility, coordination and well-being.

We have no doubt you will enjoy our goal orientated online classes that are results driven. There’s a good chance you’ll stick with it until you get your black belt! Hundreds have. We know you well too.

Why Join Satori Karate Online?

Our online martial arts program is designed to guide you on the journey of learning  achieving your Black Belt in as little as 24 months! – all through our interactive, online dojo, where you’ll receive 24/7 access to professionally created lessons complete with detailed instructional videos, written instructions and helpful training tips and techniques.

Three simple steps to success.


Log in to your student account, view the detailed written and video lessons on your computer or mobile device.


Download the belt specific practice schedule, training in your own space and at your own pace!


Complete your belt test online and get constructive feedback to earn your official rank.

What are you waiting for?